Skip The Hassle, Enjoy Your Day.





Are you a Health, Fitness, or Macro Coach aiming to boost your coaching game without the hassle? Say hello to our 4-Week Macro Coaching Starter Kit - the ultimate toolkit for effortless coaching success!



starter kit

Health, Fitness + Macro Coaches!

Make your life easier while bringing in new clients, re-engaging past ones, and delivering quick results! Give them a reason to come running, and increase your business sales -without the spending countless hours and dollars on content creation!

Start now in the next 20 minutes!

Let me explain....

Generate steady income and break free from the constant cycle of chasing after new clients.


Unsure where to begin and how to structure a professional macro coaching program that reflects your expertise.


Limited connections make it challenging to attract new clients and keep existing ones engaged. Having something fresh and exciting to offer would solve this issue.


Creating content to reconnect with your audience is time-consuming. Making engaging materials for clients can be challenging and overwhelming.


With limited daily training time, you aim to boost your income. Previous attempts at a group coaching program were difficult due to content creation challenges and a lack of clear structure.


Let's try something new and start growing your clientele now.



Discover the secret to growing your client base as a health and wellness coach!

My clients multiplied by giving them the power and healthy kickstart they've been missing.

Past clients eagerly secured their spots and spread the word to friends.

Even people I hadn't heard from in years joined the journey!

Included are editable Canva templates! Customize with your branding if you prefer, or use the PDF versions as they are..

You'll immediately gain access to the following:

Macro Manual

Starter Kit

A plan that is easy to understand, simple to stick to and gives your client a daily checklist that is user-friendly and straight forward. Ready for client success.

Meal Plan, Grocery List, Recipes

A sample meal plan that will keep your clients motivated to take action. The meals are simple recipes, perfect for a busy family and include a grocery list.

Content Calendar

[5 weeks]

4 weeks of macro coaching daily posts and graphics to set clients up for success. One PRE WEEK included too.

Eye Catching Graphics

EVERYTHING from social media Facebook group banners to all post graphics, promotional posts and more!


What's the most tedious and time-consuming part of coaching groups?

Writing all the content and daily posts you can use for facebook or group settings! Honestly, who wants to do that?

So, I've done it for you. You're welcome!

The main goal of running a 4 week coaching program is to introduce clients to getting off the dieting roller coaster and eating the foods they love without guilt.

Taking small daily action steps with guided accountability in a group setting is where success happens.

This, my friend, is a $750 bonus.

[Yes, that's the actual cost it would take to pay someone to write and edit these emails for you. Plus create eye catching graphics for each post]

Todays Product Value: $954

Today's Deal: $147

Hi! I'm Shannon Jay Dougherty, mom of two amazing kids and founder of Fit Mom Living. Since a young age, I've struggled with my weight, relationship with food and body image. After many ups and downs - including overcoming an eating disorder, I found a sustainable way of fueling my body and living life without fearing foods.

I became a Certified Macro Coach and began Macro Coaching to guide others to achieving their dream body and most importantly, to become the best possible version of themselves.

My true passion is helping other women improve their self-worth and gain confidence, while teaching them how to live a sustainable lifestyle through tracking macros.

I can relate to those frustrated moms, juggling work, family, kids, life, and household duties and putting themselves last. I was there too, until I simplified my strategies and found tools to establish balance and lasting results among the chaos. I believe the key to happiness is rooted in living a balanced, active, healthy lifestyle. You deserve to feel confident in your own skin.


Step 1: Check your email for your login details.

Step 2: Log into your account.

Step 3: Click the links to add your new challenge workbooks and email templates to Canva. Edit or rebrand as you like. If you don't want branding, download the PDFs and use them as they are.

Step 4: Get people to sign up for your challenge and start right away. You have everything ready – the challenge structure, workbooks, emails, and your awesome coaching.

Hear From My Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this help my clients

By understanding macros and tracking, they'll gain better control over nutrition, putting and end to the diet mindset and having daily motivation and education along the way.

Will this work if I have specific dietary preferences or restrictions?

Absolutely. The information provided is adaptable and can be customized to fit various dietary needs, whether you're vegetarian, vegan, have food allergies, or follow specific eating plans.

What if I haven't stuck to anything before?

We've designed this program to be 21 days of small, easy shifts. These changes are realistic and make it easy for you to stick to the changes without making drastic adjustments and "falling off the wagon" later...

How do I get access to the materials?

Once you complete your purchase, you'll receive an email with log in details to access the bonuses. Then, for 21 days, you'll receive an email with the daily actions delivered to your inbox!

I'm super busy, How much time does this take?

This is a game changer for your business because the tedious work is done-for-you. Get your clients excited about Fat loss success and joining your 4 week macro coaching program while you sit back and use the content calendar to guide your program.

What results can I expect in just 4 weeks

Your clients will have the knowledge of flexible nutrition, macro tracking and making small, realistic improvements to change their mindset and results all missing out or feeling deprived.

100% Risk Free Guarantee

I'm confident in my ability to support and make it as simple as possible for you to embark on this transformation. Remember true health and wellness takes time, but IF, within the first 7 days of applying what you learned from the kickstart you don't start to feel the shift within you that you're looking for, I'll offer you a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

Get Your Client the Kickstart They Need TODAY!

  • Content Calendar + 1 Bonus Week 35 Posts/Graphics: [$750 Value]

  • Macro Manual Starter Kit: [$67]

  • Meal Plan: [$20]

  • Grocery Shopping List: [$30]

  • Client Ready Welcome Emails: [$20]

  • Group Coaching Promo Material: [$20]

  • Macro Calculator: [$47]

Total Value: $954

Today's Price: Only $147

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